Reluctant Gods

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This is the second book in the Feathers and Light series. To summarize how the first book ended, in Sorche’s words…

“I ended up on a mountain in the dark with a god who was trying to kill me. I either blew her to smithereens or blasted her off a cliff. I’m not sure which. After that I was in some kind of trance and when I woke up, Sophia dropped it on me that she and most everyone else in her neighborhood were gods, that my friend, Brighid, is a god, and that my mom and dad and sister are all demigods, or maybe gods. And worst of all, I’m some kind of super-demigod.”

In Reluctant Gods, Sorche, her sister, Harper, and the renewed triple fire goddess, Brighid, struggle to adjust to the fact that they are really not “normal”. To help them, Enya—Queen of the Gentle Folk—tells them this will be a year of growth and they should embrace all the experiences that come their way. She does not, however, give them any hints about just how dramatic those will be.